Accuracy One Precision Primer Gauge


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Accuracy One Precision Primer Gauge

The Accuracy One Precision Primer Gauge is a tool set designed to take precision measurements of primer pocket depth and the depth of seated primers in relationship to the face of the case head.

It can also be used to measure the thickness of an unseated primer, allowing you to calculate the optimum seating depth for the particular primers and cases you are loading.


  • Digital Indicator with 0.01mm/0.0005″ resolution
    • The contact point of the indicator must be removed to provide proper function.
  • Gauge Body is machined from 303 stainless steel
  • Small primer stem
  • Large primer stem
  • .223 and .308 zeroing block
  • Magnum and .338 Lapua zeroing block
    • The standard gauge body is not compatible with cartridges that share the .338 Lapua case head diameter unless the diameter of the magnum step is machined to .595” to accept the larger diameter case head. This modification of the gauge body is available upon request.
  • Nylon screw for securing the gauge body to the indicator
  • Compatible with 300 Win. Mag case head diameter (.532”) cartridges, .308 Win. case head diameter (.473”) cartridges, and .223 Rem. case head diameter (.378”) cartridges using either large or small primers.
  • Stand


Zeroing Block

223-308, Mag-338


Accuracy One

Increase Ballistic Coefficient and Consistency

Our precision reloading equipment is designed for long range shooters and reloaders that strive to reach exceptional accuracy. Incorporating the Bullet Tipping Die, Hoover Meplat Trimmer, Accuracy One Concentricity Gauge, and Precision Primer Gauge into the reloading process allows shooters to improve ballistic coefficient and consistency far beyond that achieved with factory precision ammunition.
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