Winchester 760


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SKU: W760 Category:

Winchester 748 is a ball powder and the choice for loading 223 Remington cartridges.

The low-flame temperature extends barrel life compared to other similar speed powder. It is also ideal for a wide variety of centerfire rifle loads, including 222 Remington, 30-30 Winchester, 30 Winchester, and up to 458 Winchester Magnum.

Available in 1 lb. and 8 lb. containers.

Bottle Size

1lb, 8lb



In 1929, the Western Cartridge Company (forerunner of Winchester Ammunition) received U.S. Patent #2,027,114, issued to Western Cartridge as “Manufacture of Smokeless Powders.” Shortly after, Western Cartridge Company then commercially introduced BALL POWDER® smokeless propellant. The innovative BALL POWDER® process provided a number of technological advantages over common extruded type powders that were quickly leveraged by ammunition factories and the U.S. military. The key advantages of BALL POWDER® propellant include: • Stable long life – in some cases exceeding the capability of extruded powders • High density – ideal for rifle calibers. Yet the BALL POWDER® process is capable of density adjustment to also create high-performance pistol and shotshell powders • Adjustable chemistry – allows the powder to be tailored to specific cartridge applications through chemistry as well as geometry. • Lower flame temperature – allows longer barrel life


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